Thursday, September 24, 2009

Haunt Jaunt #1 w/EVP - Columbia County, Wisconsin

My friend Kara and I decided to take a ride to a cemetery we've been wanting to check out for paranormal activity.  Due to vandalism I am not disclosing the location. Kara's neighbors are avid paranormal researchers and have been there many times and do have quite a bit of good evidence. They emailed me a photo in which you can see a face.  Not only did I see a face, but 2 more on either side of it.  I'll see about getting permission to post that photo here later.

Since we're just starting this and have never been out to this particular cemetery, we decided to go out during the day so we could get a look in the daylight before going out there at night.  We hope to get out there this coming weekend with her neighbors at night, though!  I'll update on that when we go back.
 Since this was a spur of the moment thing,  I did not have my camera with me of course, but Kara did.  She took a number of photos and we haven't found anything strange or of interest except that this place is really very beautiful and peaceful - until I listened to the evp session later at home.  Put a different spin on things....

The activity noted in this cemetery is said to be the shadow of a girl hanging from a tree and shadows darting from headstone to headstone.  We saw neither during the day, but the photo posted is a bit creepy as everyone who has looked at it said their eyes were immediately drawn to one thing in the photo.  I'll let you decide what that is.

 I have been using my mp3 player for evp sessions.  I always have my mp3 player with me, so luckily I could do some evp work!  I've had a number of odds and ends in my home, but those are difficult to debunk and many were done while we were sleeping.  I have gotten a few strange things, but those are open to debate because without doing a 'controlled' session, it's hard to say what is us, house noise, dog or cat noise or something more.  I've found the mp3 player to be very sensitive though and while it doesn't have the bells and whistles of some digital recorders, it's easy to use and seems to pick up a great deal!

So far I found two good evps from the cemetery and one that sounds like a long breath which could possibly be one of us... ?

The first I heard in the car when playing back the voice clip through my car speakers.  First I almost went off the road and then had to check my pants.  I was not expecting this and couldn't wait to get home to load it on the computer and check it out in WavePad, which is what I've been using to listen to evp sessions.

I call the first evp "this is sad" but after listening and employing my daughter-in-law and her friend to take a listen, they hear it differently.  When you listen, you hear me talking, then a whisper, then Kara. At first I thought "she" (sounds like a woman) say "this is sad".  We were talking about how sad it was that there was so much vandalism and also how sad it was that there were so many babies and small children buried there, so it seemed natural to hear 'someone else' say SAD, but after more ears and more consideration, I actually hear four words, the fourth word sounding like "girl" which also overlaps Kara's voice for a split second.   Amanda, my daughter-in-law and her friend thought they heard either "santa" or "satan" meaning "this is santa" or "this is satan" but add the girl... and to me, it sounds like SATIN ... "this is satin's girl".  Kara's neighbor the "dustbuster" as they call themselves ;)  hears an L sound in there as well.  It also sounds like "she" has an accent; either English or Irish to me - Amanda pointed that out.  Hear for yourself and see what you hear!  I'd love to hear your comments on what you make of it.  Right before 'the voice' you hear me inviting anyone who would like to say something to do do, then you'll hear the whisper, then Kara. Keep in mind, my voice is rather loud and you do have to turn it up a bit.  Headphones work good, good computer speakers even better.

You might want to open these in a new window.

This is the longer version with both Kara and I.
This is an isolated version of just 'the voice'.

The second evp was heard when I said something about a child being only five years old.  You hear me saying five years old, then there is a pause of a couple of seconds, then you hear what sounds like "mommy" and then Kara's voice.  When I found this one, I had tears in my eyes.  It just made me sad.

Mommy evp.

The last one sounds like a breath.  I was holding the mp3 player but the breath seems too loud to be me sighing and you hear me right after the breath talking to "Otto" whose headstone we just fixed as it was knocked down.  I told him he could knock it back down if he wanted, but he didn't.  The breath is a couple of seconds in.

Breath evp.

More to come soon!

By the way - Kara was quite skeptical about the whole ghost hunting thing.  Not so much anymore...

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